


Should I write about my passions? Nah. Too cliche.

What about that one vacation that changed my life. Dude, nobody cares.

OH! That’s what I’ll do. I’m gonna talk about salmon. A long time ago, (just about a year now), I applied for a job at my school’s production equipment cage. I prepared obsessively for this interview. I made sure I knew my camera functions, model names, troubleshooting fixes etc. I passed 2 rounds of interviews and the final question was the only thing I hadn’t prepared for.

“So… What’s your spirit animal?”

I had probably about 2 seconds to think and I blurted out perhaps the most absurd answer any interviewer had heard.


The way I justified my answer came from this absolute eureka moment of self reflection. Salmon are known for their ability to swim upstream, through torrents, craggy rocks, and face predators on their way to their destination. Through this journey, salmon remain more determined than any other being in Animalia. Driven by an innate biological obsession towards their goal, salmon stop for nothing.

I was gifted that same biological obsession for success and I do my best to put forward that drive in every creative endeavor I work on.

This is why I claim this goofy looking animal as the champion of my spiritual soul.

I have one goal. Happiness. And nothing is going to get in my way.